224-419-7SEO | 224-419-7736 support@reloadedmarketing.com
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How did we get the name Reloaded Marketing? Some friends of ours that we were helping out had mentioned that they were truly thankful we were there. They were at a point of feeling like their marketing efforts were running out of ammo and feeling flat and that we really Reloaded their Marketing efforts. And thus, that is how the Legend of Us was born.

Now….SEO and why would you want it?

SEO comes from Search Engine Optimization. Currently SEO is the most effective method with the lowest possible cost able to help you get your site among the first in your niche because ranking high in the search engines means you are the best in your line of work.

SEO is all about increasing the visibility of your site and involves selecting the keywords that will direct the traffic towards it, researching the algorithms and the rules of the search engines but most important, understanding the client.

The real purpose of choosing a SEO company is finding the right strategy able to fit your very particular case.

It is mandatory that a company would consider the ranking of their site before choosing a SEO company. There are a lot of steps to be done so the success of the site will be maximized as SERP is concerned. The right way to go is having a clear understanding of the ranking process which will be directly linked to the internet marketing strategy you are going to choose.

SERP or SEARCH ENGINE RESULT PAGE is based on certain criteria responsible for what all webmasters call Page Ranking.

Which are those and how do they influence the general algorithm?

As Google so generally describes it, the general algorithm refers to different signals, choosing top results from each data interrogation. These signals are relevance indicators and include elements as simple as the words from a web page content, complexly calculated to generate a search result. Here is a simpler explanation of how Google and any other search engine classify their results.

For each data interrogation done the page ranking is created based on three factors.

Keyword optimization

In order to determine how accurate the keyword optimization is the search is based in a considerable proportion on the words present inside a web page.

Age and notoriety of the web page

These have an intrinsic value reported to the search terms. The notoriety indicator or in other words Page Rank is directly linked to the external links having as destination your site.

Keyword competition

The keyword competition is defined by the number of returned results. The number of results can reach a few dozens for a specialized search or a few millions for a generic one. The higher the competition, the more difficult it will be to make the site rank for the chosen keyword.

As a bottom line SERP= (Optimization x Notoriety)/ Competition

How can we help?

Having a wide SEO experience in site evaluation and strategy development we can assist you to find the right way into SERP. Over the years we have developed a wide area of connections and we can help you find the right fit for your business. Evaluating accurately is what we do. So if we see that you need a special strategy which we cannot offer you, we will direct you towards those who can develop it for you.

SEO uses many tools of which the most popular are article marketing, bookmarking and web designing. Article marketing can add important links to your site in the article directories search engine index because of the content. Bookmarking can offer you external links that will bring your site into the search using the popularity of the bookmarking sites. Your web page is the calling card of your business. Web designing is the tool able to make it stand out as unique. Remember that your page is the way the world sees you.

Being our client will get you the access to a list of services we can provide or refer you too. These services will be customized and developed so they will return the result you expect from your business.

We are constantly scouting the market. We believe in an accurate communication with our clients and we know that only an open dialogue can bring forward the results. We are here to hear your opinion, to share our strategies, to help you grow your business.

The SEO world is the most active environment online. In order to keep up we attend conventions, we constantly research and we look for better, faster and more accurate strategies able to help you develop your online business.

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