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Google Ranking Factors

What are the Google ranking factors? Nothing more than the core elements influencing the way Google evaluates your site.

Usually, when people refer to Google ranking, what they mean is getting on the first page of Google based on the targeted keywords.

There are over 200 such factors, some more relevant than others. They appeared over the years and developed into the metrics used to monitor the evolution of a site. Knowing the factors will allow you to master their influence.

Here are the major factors influencing the infamous Google Ranking:

1. Content optimization
Here comes the technical coding optimization as well as the off page optimization which implies suggestive titles, unique and targeted on the chosen keywords, unique descriptive meta tags, the quality of the posts and the frequency of the posting.

2. Backlinks number and quality
The natural backlinks, the ones loved by Google, are the ones naturally posted by different people, with a normal frequency and strictly linked to the content.

3. Social marketing optimization
Here come into the limelight the social networking accounts, RSS feeds, multimedia links and uploads on sites with a high social networking profile: Facebook, Twitter, Myspace or Youtube.

4. The no follow tag
To allow websites the ability to declare and negate the Pagerank that would be channeled through paid links, Google invented the nofollow procedure. Google will not follow these links, and as mentioned, these links will not be used for Pagerank calculation.

5. Search History – Preferences
Google monitors very closely everything you do when you are logged into one of their platforms: Gmail, Adsense, Analytics…etc. One of the parameters they track is the web search history, meaning the types of keywords and number of times you search them. The odds are that if you click a Digg bookmark several times while logged in on a Google account, you will get that link in the search. ( Diminished Technique )

6. IP Geo-targeting
Leaving apart that Google has evolved into creating local search engines where local results are obvious, if you look up the same thing on a local search and after that on Google.com you will see the obvious difference.

7. Browser type
You will never believe unless you see it for yourself, how much does a change of browser influence the page position. Choose to do an experiment and search the same thing using Mozzila, IE, Google Chrome, and Opera. It is hypothetical of course that this can change the overall ranking. However, it is a factor that should be considered.

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